
Few days ago, exactly in 2nd February 2012, some of committees (Jackson, Jessica, Rosalina, Tiffany) and I were doing a new activity in life. HaHa.. That was a Cooking Class at Grand Swiss Bell Hotel Cambridge. The fee was 180,00 IDR for a single person, included lunch and apron (Means: celemek). The class was started at 11 am until around 3 pm. We learnt how to create a “Strawberry Short Cake” and “Tiramisu”. The class run very good but it was lack of practice actually. We only saw the Chef cook by himself though he always ask us, “Who wants to try? Who wants to try?”. But less of us wanted to try. HaHa


“What is the most happened problem in doing this cake?”, I asked to the Chef

“The answer is simple. The problem is only one. That is OURSELVES, means you.”, the Chef answered


I still don’t believe about the answer, but after last Wednesday we (except Tiffany; because she worked at that time) try to practice what we have learnt from the class. And YES! The problem is US! HaHa.. Why? We almost felt helplessly alias “pasrah to the max” because our result was quite different from our first imagination and willing. HaHa.. I keep on reminding them, “Remember! Remember! The most happened problem is us!”. HaHa.. We made our own creation and I proudly named my cake creation: the Tower Cream Cake of Grape Foundation. Very long name, I think. LOL!


I put some grapes as the foundation and design at the top. Using the Oreo Cream Vanila, I water it inside the cake. Put some Oreo Chocolate powder to make it more artistic.  Yes, the Tower Cream Cake of Grape Foundation. HaHa


But it was a great experience actually. Thanks to Nova Halim who had provided this information and registration for us for the Cooking Class. Thanks a lot!


Yeah! In this month, I will focus on food. I will spent some part of my time to learn and know more about the life of cooking, especially about pastry and cake. I still don’t know yet about my enthusiasm in this cooking situation. I want to learn and try to find out “Is this my part?”. Yah, I have a dream to have a café business. High dream, I guess! HaHa.. But, let’s try first than I just do nothing beside dreaming. HoHo


Because I believe that “It’s better that we did failure after we have tried, than we don’t ever fail and also never try, especially when we are still young!”

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Good luck for me!

Happy February 2012 and Happy Valentine’s Day before!
